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How can I tell if I have a dangerous tree?

At Koubsky Tree Service, we understand the importance of identifying potentially dangerous trees in order to protect your property and the safety of those around it. Here are a few signs that a tree may be dangerous and in need of removal:

  • Dead or dying branches:
    A tree with numerous dead or dying branches is at a higher risk of falling or breaking. These branches can also attract pests and diseases that can further weaken the tree.
  • Leaning or uneven growth:
    Trees that are leaning or have uneven growth can be a sign that the tree is unstable and at risk of falling. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor soil conditions, disease, or damage to the root system.
  • Cracks or cavities in the trunk:
    Trees with large cracks or cavities in the trunk can be a sign that the tree is structurally unsound and at risk of falling. These cracks can also provide entry points for pests and diseases.
  • Fungi or mushrooms growing at the base of the tree:
    Fungi or mushrooms growing at the base of a tree can be a sign that the tree is rotting from the inside out and may be at risk of falling.
  • Root damage:
    Damaged roots can weaken a tree, making it more susceptible to falling during a storm. Signs of root damage include sunken soil, cracked pavement, and leaning trees.

If you suspect that a tree on your property may be dangerous, it is important to have it evaluated by a professional arborist. At Koubsky Tree Service, our team of arborists are trained, licensed and insured, ensuring that the job is done correctly and safely. Contact us today for a free consultation and estimate, and we will work with you to develop a plan that meets your needs and budget.

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